Friday, May 22, 2009

Pete Briggs Picks up Pigs

Tiffany (a good friend in Bethel) asked Tracie to pick up some piglets for her from Wasilla and put them on a plane to Bethel. She has interesting requests sometimes, but this one wins. So, Peter got to pick up two porkers, package them up in the truck, and pull their posteriors back to the palacio. The two piglets are pictured here:

Their prickly, petlike parent is pictured here (700lbs of pure pork):

We've been told we will have a lifetime supply of delicious things from rural Alaska now! Smoked salmon bellies and the such... mmmm...

And for those that don't know... there is a Dr. Seuss poem that starts "Pete Briggs pats pigs". This is now a true story. This Pete Briggs has now patted pigs.
Tracie took them for their flight to Bethel last night at 2:00am. They got to go through the MVP line, and I hear the inflight movie was Babe (or Charlotte's Web?). Maybe fate will be kind to them... =)

1 comment:

Oystercatcher said...

I'm sure they will enjoy being part of the first Iditarod pig team...