Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mormor's 90th Birthday

This is who it's all about. Mormor. Mormor is one of the most important people in my life. So many of my memories growing up have her as a part of it. The small but so important things that make us who we are. She'd read to me, and she still tells me how much I looked forward to learning how to read. She'd get me to do things for her (like pull some metal wire garden bed fencing out) and be so appreciative. Being around Mormor made/makes me feel like I could do anything, and anything I did would be right. Her honesty and compassion are so contagious, and her voice is the one at the back of my head when I need to make the right decision. Food is probably one of the keys to our relationship, and importantly, helping her with it. Whether decorating gingerbread men or helping her make vanilla kranse, like many third generation kids, I learned a lot about Denmark through eating. This is a good kind of learning, and sticks with me. I just pulled a few loaves of rye bread out of the oven, and having a slice smeared with butter (the Danish have one of the best concepts... teeth butter. Where when you've bitten your bread, you can see teeth marks in the butter) reminds me of her and my childhood. Oddly enough, as a vegetarian, I think that I will still say my favourite food would be mormor's rye bread with liver paste and pickled beets. I get to forever remember how good that was. I think I could go on for so long about how special she is to me. At her birthday party I had so much to say to her, but found myself at a loss for words... and much tears. I'm even tearing up a bit now. It's such a good feeling to love someone so much that wanting to tell them how much they mean to you is almost impossible. While I wish in some ways that I was more articulate speaking in front of my family, I know they understand. Even if I had prepared what I was going to say, I know I would have been no better off. She's my mormor...

So... I finally sat down today to print photos, burn CDs and assorted things to send out to the family. April 6th was my grandmother's 90th birthday and we had the first family gathering where EVERYONE was there! It involved two great parties and much family! I can't think of a better reason for celebration than something involving my mormor!

This is the whole family! A better bunch we would not have been without our Mormor!

These are mormor's girls: Chriss, Elizabeth and Grethe.

Mormor's grandkids: Michael, David, Sarah, Peter, Ian and Paul.

Chriss and her family (Tracie, Peter, Chriss, Amanda, Michael and Nicholas).

Grethe and her family (Brooke, David, Grethe, Larry, Paul and Joanna).
Elizabeth and her family (Vance, Elizabeth, Ian and Sarah - looking very scandinavian indeed).
And Mormor and Nicholas. Knowing that another generation is under the influence of a mormor (mormormor?) is a good thing. I know that Tracie and I very much would like to introduce mormor to our kids (when the stork brings them). And to quell any potential rumours from this, we would like kids but no buns in the oven yet. =)

Thank you for reading this post. I can't think of a better or more meaningful subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your tribute to your grandmother is marvelous and I hope she has a copy of it!!